Monday, May 13, 2013

Oh no we've lost Ollie...

Sad and Happy, Happy and Sad.

What to say! 

Ollie off today for 6 days for his school field trip to Penang in Malaysia. Blimey when I was his age I used to go camping at Kingsdown, Kent on the white cliffs in a flipping tent, in the howling wind and rain. He gets to go here...

He's off to spice gardens, mosques, cooking classes, butterfly gardens, kids clubs, hawker street food sessions and the like - poles apart from me in me tent - mwah! He'll be seeing this stuff;

And this...

And this...


So very happy for him to go with his mates, but also very sad to see my boy go - in fact it was a very somber drive home from the airport having said good bye to him. You'll be missed Ollie-Boo! Have fun and come home safe matey! We're waiting for you!

We arrived at the airport early to have some lunch. 

Standing in a non-existant queue waiting for service at some Thai joint, clearly completely invisible to the servers and you know me - right that's that they just lost 4 customers. And how lucky we were they ignored us as we spotted Penang Culture, a brand new restaurant opened and ready to serve us - and how bizarre that that is exactly there the Ollie is off to - Penang, Malaysia. 

Clearly an omen!

Check it out.

Here he is practising his Malay for his trip.

Amy says hi too, but Mary can't stop long enough from eating it seems ha ha. Mind you the food was so so nice how could you not. Delicious! Mary stuffing down her tom yam. 

Or should that be Tom Yum!

Then out comes the amazing dish that I ordered - Thai style deep fried crispy chicken with spicy shaved green apple sauce. Oh my it was amazing! This is the beauty of food from Penang - very similar to Singapore it is a melting pot of different cultures grown from sea trade, and of course therefore a complete mix of food types too. Just wonderful - what a menu - you should have a go at this place if you happen to be in Singapore. This will be going in to book No2 if I can work out how to cook it.

Here is the crew ready to depart. 

It's a still photo so you miss the jigging about of the 13 VERY excited 11 year olds off on their Malaysian adventure for 5 days. 

Queuing, queuing - chatting, chatting - jigging, jigging!

Oh no says Amy, what am I going to do without my big brother for a week.

Nearly off. One more group shot and off we go to immigration. Nearly bye bye time, boo hoo!

Is there a similarity here - above and below?

It's like they're taking over the airport isn't it? Look at them.

Again some similarity above and below?

Which one's Ollie?

That's it - the main man is off, last gate, last wave, a peck on the cheek and a hug (I think he was embarrassed to have a snog in front of his mates). And boom he's gone! No more Ollie for a week. And he is also the first Kennett to use his passport with our new Permanent Residency of Singapore in it.

Final thing as we're saying goodbye - was a handover of a certificate for achievement for Ollie. 

Award for; "Applying himself really well to the homework research assignment for is I believe unit."

Go go Ollie - what a morning phew!

Have fun Ollie Boo and come home safe to us - we miss you!!!

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