Monday, January 7, 2013

Gordon & Thes say goodbye - a happy/sad day

Bit of a strange day really.

Great fun having a long lunch with our great mates, truly great mates - but with a sad undertone, as the very lunch we had was to celebrate the departure of Gordon and Thes to Gordon's new job and new home in Malaysia. So very sad to see them go. 

But we wish Mr Sutherland all the very best in the new role, you'll knock it out of the park mate. We'll come visit once you get your feet under the table. Let us know when that is matey! We'd love to visit.

So off we go.

4-5 hours of fun at the world famous Colbar. A Colonial place, relocated brick by brick some years previous. All corrugated iron. It's just great. There are even some planks at the front of the place, that hold, almost museum like, the history of Colbar. These planks have Japanese characters painted on them from when the Japanese invaded and occupied Singapore before the British got it back.

We always sit outside, although when you go in there is the old lady owner who has been in there for 60 years, yep SIXTY. Fading photos of football teams of years past, mazing football kits with great big lapels. It really is like going back in time.

The old lady and her sons and daughters, and now grand-daughters and grand-sons run the place. Hacking away at huge lumps of ice for your drinks. Honesty system prevails with them only taking cash. Amazing to add to this is one mate went and ate and drank. Inadvertently he left without paying. Realising that when he got home he rang and apologised

What do they do for refreshments? This is a "must do visit" once in your life. Memories flooding back here. They have 4 to 5 HUGE fridges fully stocked with UK ciders and UK beers. It's amazing. Yesterday I was trying strawberry, toffee apple, tutti fruity - oh yes. Plus the food is bloody ACE. Remember in UK after a good night out you'd go to your local Chinese and get curry and chips. Oh yeah baby, it's that curry. It comes with a chicken breast, chips, curry sauce and toast. So simple but so bloody good. It is awesome. Amy always has sausage, chips and bacon followed by ice cream.

Do you think she may have just had the ice cream??

Mwah the departing couple. Our great mates Gordon and Thes. We're going to massively miss you guys. Best friends for ever!

Colbar is cool they even have their own "bunny girls". Fantastic service.
Curry, cider and Sexy Ladies - don't get much better than that, ha ha!

Here is phase 1 of the day. More came later. A great turn out to say goodbye is it not. All great friends having fun and food and froths. A lovely day. All smiles. And boy did Mary and I need this after what we've had to endure lately and still are for that matter. No cares just fun! Thanks you everyone.

OK the bunny girl turns "bunny boiler". What happened there Mary, someone steal one of your chips?

I guarantee this is NOT a Facebook, Facebook, Facebook!

Mary and the kids. Ahhhh bless. Just beeeeeautiful!

It's funny Kev's daughter said she was trying to ruin the photo above, but turns out it is a beauty!

What happened above? Maybe too much curry. Loos are turn left and they're on the right. HURRY!!!!!

He is indeed a handsome chap is he not! Nice one Ollie! Prince Charmer!

All the fun of the fair. Yours truly enjoying a toffee apple. Ha Ha! I kid you not, this cider is actually toffee apple. It is awesome. Reminds of trips to the circus with Mum as a kid. OK minus the alcohol.

The twins looking lovely. He He!

Flock of seagulls.
Herd of cows.
Gaggle of geese.
Flock of sheep.

What do you call a load of Filipinos?
A gammit?
A bunch?
A bevvie?

Well here is one of them with Prince Charmer!

And the boys! Nicely done chaps, looking good. If I was a girl who'd just had 14 ciders I think I'd go for the lot of you. NICE!

And to the girls!
No need for cider, you're all gorgeous. Well maybe one or two might help a little, ha ha ha!
Joking, joking, joking!

A wonderful snap of the departing couple. A keeper this one Mr Sutherland! You look ACE!

Probably just THE Smallest thing Thes has every purchased. You couldn't even get your keys in this.
A great little pressie, as it contained some Barbie shoes, and other bits.
What do you mean does Thes like shopping? No, who told you that?

LOVE it.
A smashing snap of mine with Thes and Gena. Just lovely!

Master and Dog or is it the other way round? I think the dog wears the trousers definitely.

Mr McCormick massaging the hound. Usually he's massaging the monkey, but we'll let him off this time.

The dog literally passed out, almost like it had broken it's neck.

Amy and I playing. She got a little grumpy as she was tired so we had to cheer her up!


Just behind the bar is this little grassy area.
The kids clearly a little bored now decided to go jump the runoff trench. 

I really like these two snaps. Kids in motion, and others (the older ones) clearly having a chat about the latest social economic climate in the Asean countries, and the impact of the volatility of the dollar.

And after such a great day, what is the outcome.


To all: thank you. 

We had a ball. 

A sad but happy occasion - what a great day!

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