Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our "extension" trip No.3 (you know what I mean!) + some other "bits"

Well before we get to "The Great Escape" - tunnelling from where we live, digging a tunnel in a u-turn to get back in. Ha Ha! I'll cover a few other little snippets of fun.

For those that know, you know what I am talking about - for those that don't sorry - I'll explain privately on a post-card, text or email.

So here is "Her Highness" - AKA Amy Kennett. Having her breakfast of beautiful omelet with Devon shipped cream, cheese and bacon. As if that was not enough, she also need 3D TV to accompany the feast. Dear me! Whatever next Amy boo?

Ah so its tattoos next! Yep here she is sporting her new tattoos. 

She's covered. In fact I think she now has more than me!

She is indeed a "mini-me" - bless!

Next to proud parent time!

Ollie's assembly where he and his class-mates had to present to the school, teachers and parents the content and ideas associated to their forthcoming 6th year exhibition. Ollie's team subject is Health and what that "science" has brought to the people of the world. VERY interesting. In fact on "The Great Escape" he was sharing with me some of his new knowledge - have to say  SERIOUSLY impressed! Seriously! Well done Ollie!

I love these. See behind him the big screen of him - "Team Oliver". How cool is that!

"The Great Escape"

Not a bad place to dig a u-turn tunnel through. Off to Indonesia and Bintan for the weekend, leaving Friday evening and returning today - Sunday evening! 

So arriving for something to eat, here's the view from the hotel balcony. Now what about that! Why would you ever want to leave Asia with views like this, that are a 40 minute ferry ride from Singapore! 

Munchkin No.2 enjoy same said view!

Quite a posh place this Amy, not sure if they let people with tattoos in? Well with that cute little swimming costume how could any one say no!

More just absolutely stunning views - isn't it just gorgeous!

No No I didn't mean me! I mean look behind me. 

And one of the girls too. Where are you Ollie???

Down to the beach now from the hillside. That's not a bad view is it from the pool of the hotel we were staying in. Really hot day today, but evening fast closing in, so starting to cool - phew! 

Amy had the right idea - best way to cool down, get in the pool!

Wey Hey - here it is - photo No.1 entitled;

FACEBOOK FACEBOOK FACEBOOK No.1 (no idea what that is in Indonesian)

Now occurs an absolute once in a lifetime experience. Something I would never have good fortune to witness, but have seen on national geographic channel programmes a few times. Something amazing for anyone even the remotest bit interested in wildlife.

I'll explain.

We rock up at reception and got the usual - check-in, check-out, food, drinks, pools, buggy service (yep), blah blah - oh yes and a pamphlet detailing a very special thing the hotel is running this evening at 5pm on the beach as part of its commitment to sustainability and animal conservation. More to come...

So at the allotted time we all trek off to the beach to the designated spot. I am getting so very very excited now. I wonder if you can guess yet what on earth this event will be? Any ideas...? 

We arrive here. This closed off area of beach. Some make-shift barriers marking off an area.

What could it be? Any ideas yet?

Volleyball tournament to raise money? Swimming competition? Kite flying?

No, No and No.

It was this.

No, No, No - not a sandcastle competition. Well if it was this chap would have certainly been a tail-ender for that effort. 

"It's modern art man, I call it mound."

Oooh hold on a second it's actually team sand-castle building!

"OK, you make a square mound and I'll make a round mound - we're sure to win!"

No - they were not building, they were excavating. Gently moving the sand away from the mound. Slowly and meticulously moving the sand away one handful at a time.

See the chaps hand in the shot below, see that little black mark just above his hand in the sand. What could that be?

Does this make it any clearer?

Still any ideas WTF this is all about?

It was a HawksBill Turtle nest. The hotel has found two recently and they relocated all the eggs to a secure cage on the beach to protect from predators such as monitor lizards who have a habit of digging them up to get at the eggs.

The nest has just hatched and we were SO VERY fortunate to witness the release to the wild of about 60 new baby turtles. The tragedy is still that only about 1% of these will make it to adulthood. So very sad, but at least one will from this brood.

Once that first little one popped his head through, they swarmed like ants from the nest!

The conservationist here is picking them one and a time, spinning them over to make sure the egg sack has been consumed entirely and then gingerly places them in a bucket for the impending release.

You cannot believe the stunned silence of a crowd in awe and amazement watching this - kids and all. Then oohs and aahhhs as the little darlings made their first dash for freedom, completely following instinct to get to the sea.

As I said like swarms of ants digging themselves out from the nest. Just amazing to be part of!

The conservationists then released them and we watched them cumbersomely "running" across the sand, down the beach from the nest following that instinct again - "must get to the water". 

I saw a few of the baby turtles eying the audience with caution trying to spot any Chinese who might have an idea about a soup or two on his/her mind. But all was good!

Here come a few too many photos probably of this experience. But as explained this is stuff you just would never expect to happen, or for you to witness as you literally check in to an hotel. I feel honoured to have seen this, to have my kids and Mary also see this with me, and I wish all those little buggers the very best of luck getting to adult hood. I was amazed!

Look at these little guys go.

They do the beach "dash" on purpose to keep the turtles as wild as possible. No human intervention at all apart from the relocation to protect, assistance digging out, and then stand back!

Watching was indeed a once in a lifetime - but how about this - my two actual get to do a physical release of a baby turtle each. I really hope they get what this means, maybe not now but in the future when we still have Hawksbills in our oceans! Lucky you two!

Alright I must admit I messed about with some photographic filters and the like to make some of the shots moody. But it really was such a special moment each of these photos brings back the lovely memory of that hour or so.

Go on guys you can do it.

Look at those uber cute flipper trails in the sand. They sort of flip-flopped their way down.

The they made it to the water. Exhausted but they made it.

Next was to negotiate the monsoon waves, so the poor little blighters kept getting washed back all the time. You just wanted to help, but this is the wild and you just could not do that as they need fend for themselves. But they did get washed back between my legs as you know me right in the mix, I crossed the barrier and was standing with one of the organisers of the event.

This little chap below, must have swam through my legs three of four times before he finally made it to open sea. Wishing you well little guy!

So after that experience than for my two to become turtles in their own rights. Crawling up the beach to splash and play in the water.

Not 100%, but do you think they were having fun - OH YES!

One of the very nice organisers I had been chatting too did us a further favour and took a couple of lovely snaps of yours truly and Mary. 

Not bad huh! Not bad at all!

(OK, OK sorry about the shorts - yes 45 going on 18!!!)

Back to some arty shots.

I love this one. I did one very similar before when Mum was with us on Bintan, on White Sandy Beach. We used it as a tribute to Ollie in his school yearbook, and titled it "We'll follow you anywhere Ollie!" Same applied big man. I just LOVE this picture!

I think they had rice for lunch - clearly carbohydrates kicking in in a big way. Massive energy burst! I can almost hear the Chariots of Fire music echoing as they run back and forth.

Then to dinner on the beach. 

Just one of this as man it was pitch black and none of the photos really came out well. But here is quite a nice one showing Amy stuffing her face at the beach buffet. I have had to whack up exposure on this, it really was like eating a cave. I thought I had a really chewy bit of meat at one point and realised I was actually eating my napkin. Yep it was DARK!!!!

Back to daylight.

Here is where we have breakfast, not a bad little spot is it!

Turn round 180 degrees for the view.

Oh WOW. I have used some yellow filtering here to show that amazing beam of sunlight through the cloud hitting the sea. This was just beautiful! 

Hmm what next. I know let's show you the room we were staying in.

Here's the gang sitting on the patio, enjoying our private plunge pool and jacuzzi (he he). plus check that view again, you had the same from the shower - floor to ceiling glass with views to die for. If, like me, you don't mind showering with the curtains up.

To the bedroom. Oh my! Isn't it great!

But we're off to the beach now. All dressed up, with absolutely somewhere to go!

This place is called Tree Tops for obvious reasons. It's where we have breakfast and where we found the local Indonesian restaurant that was just delicious. Lot's of new delights found there. From the villa we were in it was a 5 minute walk, then to the beach (10 or so minutes) we had to have a bit of an up and down walk, but every now and then;

A quick look up to the trees and you see this.

A quick look out to sea to see this. 

Hmmmmm - dreamy!

Today is CRAZY hot. SO we had some pool time and then decided a must was a walk along the beach. I wanted to get to the rocks at the end of the beach and do some photos of the gang. Beautiful sea breeze, warm water, and sun going in and out - BUT we all got sunburnt despite, ha ha!

Yep it's turtle time again!

I didn't tell Mary I was taking this. But I just wanted to show you all all the beauty of this island paradise. And as you can see from the photo an island paradise we had absolutely to ourselves. 

Now having reached the rocks let's get snapping.

1st up is Amy. This is the bikini round for photos. Ball gown is later this evening. My very own Miss World posing on the rocks, on beach Bintan. Isn't this just beautiful.

Now the gang - I did this on purpose so not to have too posy, hence they're all looking in different ways. Much more natural and just a lovely snap of the fan enjoying a short weekend break.


HasselHoff eat your heart out.

Me below auditioning for Indonesian Baywatch. Oh yeah baby, where's Pamela when you need her???

The day previous some local school kids had come to witness the turtle release. The guys said from a small village and pointed towards the end of the beach. I noticed this and can only assume this is the said village. Now that is not a bad front garden to have is it! Wow!

Another absolute belter of a photo below. This will absolutely be coming to a wall near me soon, in the form of a canvass hanging at condo Kennett. Just too good. Great shot Mary. 

I love this one!

Now the next few are not my fault.

No it's not all about me. But rather a few photos in the next lot.

I think Mary clearly got a tad bored grabbed the camera and kept on snapping apologies!

I think at dinner on the Saturday or was it breakfast that day? You just sit there eating and you can't help but keep spinning round to soak this up. How could you not!

Me just lounging watching the kids - back to Baywatch clearly I am on lifeguard duty - BUT I appear to be drinking on the job. Luckily the water is only waist deep, shouldn't spill a drop ha ha! 

Bats in the belfry?

No. Phew.

Bats in the eaves of the villa roof? 


How cute are these little things. Very very gorgeous. We had some with us both nights - great little mates as they eat mosquitos and bugs - thanks guys! 

Well we said that night number one, and then woke in the morning to see that they had poo'd over all our drying clothes. I take it back. Mosquito bite or Bat Poo t-shirt - hmmmmm tough choice!

But with my creative flair as always I see an opportunity. A sequel film. A new title. A new side-kick!

"Batman & Shat-on"

Catchy huh!

Why did I leave this one in? Not sure. Enables me to have a joke about myself...

Brian Kennett - with more chins than the Chinese phone book perhaps???

Chilling, just chilling!

Breakfast on our final day, and the final few snaps from this "The Great Escape Part III".

Yeap - I have gone all filtery again for number 1. Sort of a hazy morning today. Dreamy and mysterious. What's on those islands, Whose on those islands. We should explore one day!

I then spotted this local fisher boat. Wonder what they're up to.

What's that show on TV "The Dangerous Catch" or something - where the guys go lobster fishing in the icy waters off Boston. Not exactly the same, but still pretty hairy as one guy goes off the side in scuba gear and this other chap throws a lobster pot at him to dive down and set in the waters below.

Memorising watching this happen, just beneath us in the crashing waters.

I leave you for this trip with another filter shot. 

Locals fishing, waves crashing, topaz seas, warm sea breezes, palm trees - and my happy family sat at my side. Thanks for a great weekend Indonesia!

PS, and we got a 30 day extension out of it (again you who know, know what I mean - BONUS!)

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