Sunday, April 12, 2009

For Baby Amy

Amy, Like Ollie your Mum kept a short diary for a while before you were born and right after. So I'd like to share those thoughts with you now sweetie.

My baby Amy.
I was so happy when I found out you are a girl. It makes me smile, even just thinking about the day of the scan.

Even before the scan I had a strong feeling you are a girl. You 'spoke' to me and told me you are Amy. It's true the name just popped out in my head. Then we found out Amy was the name of your great great grandmother. It is also written 'British Beauty', how perfect!

Pregnancy with you was fine, apart from my atrial fib. I was on a pill called Flaccainide until 6 weeks and I was so worried so much it caused you harm. But again you 'spoke' to me and told me you were alright.

We moved to SIngapore at 20 weeks. Singapore was hot and humid, I have to have the aircon on all day and night.

At 28 weeks I woke up with dull ache and ended up in hospital with suspected premature labour. Had ventolin to stop contraction, that gave me atrial fib. Such a shame as it had gone away until then. But the main thing is that the contractions did stop and you were OK. You needed to stay in there a bit longer darling. I remember that was during Chinese New Year of 2008.

At 35 weeks woke up again with dull ache. This time classed as pre labour, or false labour as the contractions were very strong and regular and you were big enough to come out. Admitted to hospital again.

This time we all expected you to actually come out. I was even moved to delivery room and signed informed consent form etc. Then suddenly the contractions stopped. After nearly 12 hours of contractions, you did a u-turn and decided not to come. Was not sure if I felt relieved or disappointed. I so wanted to see you but knew you could do with another few weeks inside.

After this incident contractions were coming often enough to keep me awake every night, yet it never developed to proper labour. In the end Doc decided to induce me at 38 weeks as I was getting so exhausted with lack of sleep. The days was set to 28th April!

Inside my womb you were delicate. You moved a lot but so gently and delicately. Really felt like a girl. I often feel your heel sticking out on my right side of belly. Such a cute little, thin heel. Lot's of hiccups = just like your brother.

You were most active late at night and very quiet in the mornings. I spoke to you a lot. I was so happy carrying you, for the entire pregnancy.

Cravings = ice cream. All dairy products. Completely off sea food. Loved sweet things, not so much salty stuff. I wonder what you are like as an adult?

28th April was a Monday. Calmly made my way to the hospital. It was 3rd time there so I knew the place very well by then. Oliver stayed with his fried Ethan after school and Daddy joined me a few hours later.

Drip started around lunch time. Epidural right before then. I pushed you out after 3 contractions at 17:19. You were so pretty from the start. That's the first thing I said: "Brian oh God she's so pretty!"

So you were finally out. Finally in my arms. Love you love you. Thanks for coming to me. Thanks for picking me. You are so precious.

We brought Oliver within a few hours because we knew how excited he was. He was so happy to see you. I'm sure you've seen the pictures. He would hold you so proudly. He told everyone at school about you.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Bri,

    Sorry if my thoughts are a mixture about all your recent updates, but with little Henry I haven't been able to log on for a while, so I've been catching up all in one go if you know what I mean.

    Reading Nins diary entries was like listening to her speaking, it was as though she was in the room; such a pleasure! I never knew that she kept a diary about Ollie and Amy, you know. She's inspired me (as she has so many times before) to do the same for Henry.

    Ollie - I remember when your Mummy told me she was pregnant with you. I was living in Sydney and she was still living in London so she sent me an email. It said something like "I have some news; you'll never guess...scroll down.....and then…..I'm pregnant!" She was soooo delighted! I remember being absolutely thrilled for her and your Dad and wishing that I could go around and see her and give her a big, big hug!! I kept a diary, of sorts, after that of the emails between your Mum and Dad and I about your impending arrival & I gave them to your Mum and Dad in a book when you were born.

    As I lived so far away, I only saw your Mum once while she was pregnant with you. I had flown back home for a few months to look after my Mum while she had breast cancer and your Mum and Dad drove down from Putney to have lunch with us in my Mum's back garden. Your Mum was so beautiful in a black and white chiffon dress & you were a HUGE bump in her tummy! I, knowing nothing about pregnancy in those days, had bought all her favourite soft cheeses which she wasn’t allowed to eat while carrying you; she was probably starving by the time she got home. Your Mum and Dad were so excited about having you & they were so happy. They loved you so much and you weren’t even here yet! :-).

    I remember so clearly our 'Christmas in July' visit. I think it was possibly the hottest July in history!!! Good old Melbourne - four seasons in one day! We spent the weekend in the courtyard & Nins stuck newspaper to the windows in your lounge as there were no curtains & it was soooo hot inside! Gosh we had such a lovely time; we even had a visit from a neighbourhood possum who liked the look of the nuts we were nibbling with our “Mummy’s juice” (he followed you inside the house Ollie & then your Mummy got worried as he had big claws so we shooed him out). I’m pretty certain that it was that weekend that we all went to Melbourne that right Bri? I was carrying you around the reptile enclosure Ollie and you fell fast asleep on my shoulder, I was so proud that you were happy cuddling me.

    Amy - well, you are just GORGEOUS! If I was with you I would just have to cover you with kisses! And so clever playing your trumpet.

    Bri, I’ll post Amy's birthday pressie & a present for you too Ollie on Monday. Ollie - look closely at the London town wrapping paper on your present and see where I wrote the note to pen was drawn there by your Mummy, I just know it. I had to call Uncle Timmy over as I couldn't believe it. She is still with us.

    Darlings, I must go as little Henry is stirring. You're always in my thoughts. Miss you and love you all lots. Big hugs and kisses to you from us.

    Em, Timmy & Henry xxx
