Day #5 in Bintan - Here's Thursday
Well what a day was today. You'll see more later of course, but a snapshot. We decided to have a lazy beach day, not the one at the hotel but where Ollie and did the diving. Much quieter, calm seas, clear seas, powdery sand, amazing views, beach bar, reggae music - what more could you ask for? We dispelled the jellyfish warnings as we had seen those everywhere - I said to Amy; "Hun you could could just as easily trip on a curb and hurt your leg, you could fall from a tree, you could slip in the shower etc etc. Don't panic hun, let's just enjoy..."
Today's towel art was a turtle - these guys doing our room are just incredible artists |
Wow at the end of our landing today, sat on a banister, was something I have never seen in real life. Folks I give you the praying mantis - what an truly amazing feat of nature. I got close to take this photo and it spun its head to stare at me - gave me a right good stare-out |
Now this is nice Baby-Jude and Amy sat playing, not a massively sunny day at the moment too, but the sea was crystal clear and luke warm like a nice bath |
"Er Daddy, I am not sure but I think I might have done a poo poo?!?!?!?" |
Love this one - check the reflections in front of the kids heads - wow! |
Sweat and toil from yours truly created this sand castle with working sea wall, and moat - Jude did indeed help a little bit but then the 2 year old in him got bored with Dad's hard work - boo hoo |
But Amy did indeed like it and helped me finish it off with shall decoration - this shall stand for all time, well at least until the tide gets higher ha ha |
Now what did I say earlier - let's ignore the jellyfish signs right. Come on it will never happen. We went diving, we've been in the sea 2-3 days already, there's loads of people in there as well... |
OK I was wrong. Yep Amy got a rather nasty sting on her hand, bugger. Slightly in shock and screaming and crying we carried her from the water, vinegar was on hand at the bar, and the wonderful staff from the bar at Nirwana Beach Club, Toni and team, chaperoned us to the hotel clinic. More vinegar compresses from the nurse, and some creams to help the pain and swelling. She calmed down after about 30-40 minutes luckily, the pain subsided and the swelling started to abate. Still a little sore today, some little red scars on the worse effected area - her pinky - but she is back to normal now PHEW!!! Can you see the welts on her arm and hand above? Ouch... |
Recuperation time on the beach again now - we made a little bed and she had a little nap. Now she's back, the Amy smile is back. The Amy hunger is back; "Pizza and a drink please Dad..." |
OK time for some other nice family snaps - and OMG yes I am going to be in some of them - see I was on this family holiday, told you!!! |
Cute Baby Jude - sitting on a boat, chilling!!! "No more sea swimming for me, Mum said!!!" |
"Do I look cool Dad?" "Very very cool Baby Jude..." |
OMG I even managed to get a shot alone with the lovely Wife - double WOW!!! Nice pic Babe. |
Well lasted all of 5 seconds until Baby Jude wants to get in on the act again ha ha!!! |
Pizza on the beach now this is COOL!!! And a much better Amy-Boo too. Happy days resume!!! |
Nice - me and the gang, cold beer in hand, monkey nuts being munched on, beautiful weather, stunning views, feet in sand. Doesn't get much better at all. |
Ollie showing off his PADI certificate from the other day - well done Ollie, great work. Put that on your wall with pride and lets start working towards the full accreditation together - perhaps next year with Uncle Steve and the girls... |
Another amazing thing then - this little beauty comes to say hi. Scampers across the grass to the bar, and sits in the rafters squeaking, and responding to the squeaks back I was giving him/her - so flipping cute, it's not funny. But then Toni, our PADI guy, says come watch this... |
Yep he fed it by hand with a marcelo cherry - WTF, yep evidence is above. Incredible little thing apparently also eats coconut (I get that), but also lemon - weird. Lovely little thing. |
And then hangs upside down to consume his prize. |
Amy has a try to feed him too bless. Sadly he preferred to run up a palm to gorge on coconuts instead. |
And final photo today is family shot over dinner - PoolBar tonight in the hotel, to avoid a walk and allow us to watch the band afterwards - videos of that will be on FB later when WIFI is better - Amy did a couple of songs - WOW!!! She sure is back to normal. What a lot in one day, ups and downs, highs and lows - but overall just such a great day!!! |
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