Our last day with Jhea (sadly)
A month has flown it truly has. We have such a wonderful time with her. Her best mates Amy and Jude will miss her massively, as of course, shall Mary and I. I feel the condo will be a little empty without her now, and we must get her and Jimboy back as soon as possible.
But what a lovely last day it was. It was a cracker.
Girls, Jude and I up early to go shopping - yes today I had three sous chefs to help practice for Kilo Under Pressure he he. Guinea pigs as well on some new recipes - soon to be revealed. But I made a schoolboy error for one and forgot the sweetcorn, so off to the hawker we went for lunch there instead and then back home to get changed in to warm clothing. Hey wait a minute warm clothing, you live in Singapore I can hear you shouting - wait a minute, wait a minute...
Now its amazing as I have been sick as a dog this week, so Mary was banning me from going to where we were going. But strange is the temperature of this facility really helped massively clearly my nose and throat - I walked feeling a lot better - how bizarre.
Let me explain - where we went this afternoon.
Clearly the last weeks have taken the toll on these two roomies - ha ha - we're on the way to the enjoyment... |
Baby Jude - getting dressed for the ensuing weather, and clearly having grown about 5' |
Amy still looks as beautiful as ever, like modelling this for Chanel or something!!! |
Only two of these has ever had to wear gloves before - and has certainly NEVER seen what we're about to see... |
That's right folks - it's SNOW CITY SINGAPORE - woo hoo!!!! As you can some VERY excited individuals!!! I am not 100% though if Jhea is enjoying herself, hmmmmm!!!! |
Amy finally lives her dream and gets a role in Frozen... |
I'll come here any day of the week just to drag some of the old UK wardrobe out. Great snap - although Snow City I think my previous one was WAY better!!! Man I look rough!!! |
We sure did have some fun - big kid at the back of course. Excuse me as a parent I felt obliged to ensure the children's safety so purely had a few goes to ensure HSE standards and procedures were adhered to - cough cough... |
Even Baby Jude demanded that Daddy take him down the big ice slide, quite amazing as this is like 20' up and steep, he loved every single minute (so did I Baby Jude, so did I - thanks for asking Daddy) |
So many shivering individuals later, we warmed up sufficiently in time for our last supper, as it were. And off we trot to one of our new favourites that you would have seen on the food blog - Coconut Steamboat. You just can't beat it. |
All smiles now - but at 9am when she walks through those gates to say goodbye for an undefined period I know it will not be so. She has been a second daughter to me these passed few weeks and she will be massively missed. Love to you Jhea be safe - do well in those exams like your Mum said an hey you never know you may be back sooner than you thought, and maybe with your brother too. Be good and be safe. Missing you already Love Mum, Ollie, Amy, Baby Jude & B xxx