Day #4 in Bintan - here's Wednesday
Today's towel sculpture was a pig in the kids room, nothing for us today sadly... |
Amazing day today - morning was stunning with beautiful blue skies and topaz seas. So early doors Ollie and I went for his first open water diving experience. He did really really well too. Amazing in fact according to the PADI instructor. 6 metres depth, and scuba round some coral, few fish, some clown fish in anemones, a conger eel, schools of fish - nothing out of this world, but damned good first experience - straight off the beach too, few PADI lessons and hey presto we're diving.
But then a HUGE boomy storm kicks in for rest of day and literally rain did indeed stop play. We spent most of the afternoon indoors. Pop for lunch at the local place in the resort - as usual more of that on, but some funny antics from Baby-Jude of merit to show.
So its a bit all about Jude today re the photos.
Baby-Jude AKA Mother Theresa - looking rather serious!!! |
Has taken a liking for something unusual perhaps for a two year old, what could it be? |
Any clues from this shot...? Serious no guesses yet? Really... |
How about now? Yep he REALLY loved this stuff. So much so he was dipping his whole face in it, as above. The food substance was - putting you out of your suspense - GRATED PARMESAN. Can you believe it - he's two years old ha ha ha!!! |
Yep he really really liked it. Too funny Baby-Jude. Too funny. He had the whole restaurant around us in stitches bless him. Yes I have a feeling this young man maybe an entertainer when he is a little older. |
You made us ALL laugh today Baby-Jude. On a rainy day, you made our day. Just too funny. Love you xxx |
Dinner was later @ Spice, again see for that restaurant review. And that, is about it for today friends and family. Not a lot happened apart from sitting, chatting, eating, playing in the room - hope though to have a couple of snaps of Ollie and I about to embark on the diving experience. Watch this space, if the PADI centre sends them, I'll upload them here.