The funny thing was I spoke to Ni's a lot that night, we all danced, drank and had such fun together. I had to go back the next day to Barbara's to collect something I had left and Ni actually answered the door as she was staying with Barbara. "Hello Ni, how are you this morning?" I said. She said ................................"Sorry who are you?" Ha Ha, funny funny. Yep because of my great fancy dress she had absolutely NO idea it was me. Bless her.
So there you have it, the first meeting between Nina and Brian Kennett. It wouldn't be until about 5 years later though that we had out first couple experience. But perhaps that's not good for the blog - ha ha. Also at Barbara's strangely enough.
Hey Brian, these were taken in 1998! Wow! (It doen't seem that long ago to me) so only 2 years before you and Nina became a couple. It was a great party. I remember the trips we made trying to get our outfits sorted. Always had fun when there was a wig around! Love to you all xxxx