Wow my BAD on this one.
Baby Jude turned one on 19th November - but we held his party on 16th so we could do it at the weekend. Also though because as you will see from the photos, sadly I was not there on 19th - I was in Sydney for work - dear me.
But I think you will agree from the photos baby Jude had an awesome time.
Let em just says MAJOR thank you to all that came to his party. And another MAJOR thank you for all the wonderful wonderful gifts you have sent him, and literally from all over the world.
Family UK - we bought him a bought him a tricycle bike which he loves. I'll take a photo of that soon and post it as well. Bright green, with a little sun shade and shopping trolly - oh yes he loves it. Now is walking everywhere too, so he truly is a master of all forms of transport.
To the photos;
Look Dad I can walk really well now, in fact better than you some nights - ha ha funny one Baby Jude. Getting ready for the party, doing a few laps of "the cage". |
I think someone may be getting a little excited. "Is everyone here yet Dad?" |
Now this looks lovely doesn't it. Tables set, amazing banner up, some snacks already layer down, music ready, chairs set, table covers on , balloons blown and food area cleared and ready to rock. Phew all done. Now all we need is 4pm and people to show up. Er what was that explosion? Ah OK a little but of long distance thunder, thank goodness it's not so close to us. HOLD ON A MINUTE what was that one, as that was BLOODY close to us.
Yep - then the heavens opened - thunder, lightening, heavy heavy rain. Change of plan was communicated - wait an hour or so and let's see how the weather goes. The dry area under the umbrellas got smaller and smaller, guests were asking if still on, and all round I was getting sad and p*ssed off - come on upstairs it's his first birthday, let him have a little fun. |
Add caption |
Check the birthday banner - seriously how cool is this. Love it. And, cough cough, thank goodness it was water proof. |
Early arrivers battle on through lightening and rain and thunder. First time ever I think we have catered food and this happens. Mental note to self never again. I'll cook. So far so good with no storms when we cook. Thanks to the early adventurers for coming, come rain or shine. |
Luckily the storm lasted about an hour or so - so little man comes downstairs from a little nap, to fairly nice weather but an extremely wet Daddy ha ha. I don't think he missed anything, all a little bewildered. "Who's all this lot Dad?" |
Uncle Steve even allowed his pet hamster to sit on his top lip for the party. Now there is dedication to your pet. |
Look gorgeous Dani - and oh my gosh how big is Edwin now, crikey!!! |
Nice shot of the Young's - I think all smiles as I was also carrying two rather cold beers for them. He He. Lovely photo!!! |
Hold on a minute what kind of party is this Thomas'. Snogging at 1st birthday party, hey all good in my book. NICE! |
Here come the Anakis girls (well some of them) - looking good ladies, looking good and thanks so much for coming on your days off. He loved to see you, as did we. |
Waking up a little now methinks. He has seen loads of friends and family, so is warming up. After about 50 hugs I am not surprised Baby Jude. You were like a rugby ball a few times, being passed down the wing. |
A lovely Blowers' shot now, accompanied by that Young chap again. Name and wrinkles clearly not matching there Davey boy. But Cath and John - liking it. |
"Now I am awake Mum. This is a really cool party thanks." |
"Ah there you are Dad. Phew I wanted a picture with you and Mum. Thanks for my party, I like all these people, they're nice" |
"Love my cake Mum and Dad. Thanks to my brother and sisters here and Philippines, I think I look quite good in the picture. You know this is one of my Dad's favourites..."
Everyone wanted in on the action for the candle blowing, but because he is one we literally had one candle. Too much blowing out going on here, well all it seems apart from the birthday boy himself. |
Nice photo thanks Dani - Lovely one of the family, including could that be a Flynn poking above at the back. He He.
A wonderful family shot thanks again Dani. Like this one a lot. I feel a new screen saver coming on here. Love it. |
Now because Baby Jude clearly had issues blowing out the candles - guess who stepped in to support? Hmmm. Maybe someone with a big mouth and a lot of hot air...? Yep here comes Sis Amy - stunt double.
Blowing... |
Blowing... |
Sorry Gone!!! And that was that - birthday song sung, goodbyes made, clear up complete. |
And now the actual day itself - yes yes yes no Dad. Tough to do so remote from Sydney. Bt we did chat on the day and he seemed to have a wonderful time. Look at all those wonderful presents. Thanks everyone again from Baby Jude. |
"Come on Sis help me with all this unwrapping please..." |
"I'm tired now. Ollie could I have a little rest, maybe a little cuddle. Hmmm that's nice thanks!" |
And now my party at home. Lechon served up especially.
Sorry I was not there Baby Jude, Happy Birthday little man. |
And now from Mummy too. Happy Birthday Baby Jude. Love you. |
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