Jo, a good friend of mine, popped a wee note that her and the boys and Chris were off deep sea fishing. They've done it before and liked it so much they're off again.
A boat was booked with room for 10 and we have 2 tickets available - yes please says I, put me and Ollie down for definite.
What a beautiful day we had! Left early from condo Kennett, arrived Changi Village at 8am at the fishing tackle shop, meeting Jo and family, and other friends and kids. Met by captain and deck hand and off we to board - what was in the end a bum boat (old ferry/fishing boat - renowned across Singapore) and off we went.
Dripping in sun lotion, with hats, glasses and copious amounts of water we were off! Here's the start of the day, Ollie and Ted (Jo's youngest) good mates about to start the hunt!
We fished from a number of different places, including going up as far as Malaysian coast line as you'll see from the shot below. Beautiful, it really was.
Sad thing was for a while it was girls 5 and boys 0 in terms of fish caught. Here's one of the girls pulling in a catfish, nasty barbs on it's back and fins that were cut off.
OK OK It's not exactly Jaws is it, but still a good catch! We didn't keep these, back they went. However we kept 5 grouper - yes that the girls caught.

One the way back from coasts of Malaysia we had to take a quick divert to Pulau Ubin, a small island off Singapore, as "The Perfect Storm" came in and engulfed us, very choppy, very windy, very rainy as you'll see here. Phew!
Here is safe haven amongst the small islands around Pulau Ubin, you can still see those very angry clouds above though. But very beautiful location here, calm and peaceful.
Time for Ollie to wet a line off the island. Very relaxing.
Yours truly casting a live prawn out with hope to catch something to take home! Shame it didn't happen like that though.
In the end the boys came good with I think 3 catches of catfish. ZERO for me and Ollie though, dear me! The girls easily out did us overall with the 5 grouper we kept - in fact Jo even donated one to us which Mary ended up eating and she said it was delicious.
But who cares what a great day out, great fun with Ollie and a lovely opportunity to have some 121 bonding with him - I loved it and can't wait to go again! Thanks Jo and Chris for a wonderful day!
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