Ha Ha - yes we went again. Impromptu this time, as our lovely lovely friend from Melbourne happened to be up in Singapore traveling so we planned a day or so together. Di and Charlie how lovely it was to see you both and have some fun together - love you guys. Itinerary went like this;
Saturday am - meet at Universal Studios all day,
Saturday evening - sleep over Di and Charlie,
Saturday night - Di, Mary and me to my great mate Mr Steve Clark's birthday party in condo (no taxi needed just a walk down the path - very nice, and thanks Clarky for extending to Di - great fun),
Sunday morning - Ollie's birthday celebration (see the previous blog and see Charlie in blue shorts),
Sunday afternoon - sadly dropped Di and Charlie off to Grant's and that was that.
Such a short time but such a lovely time - thanks for coming again Di and Charlie.
Universal Studios happened to be celebrating Halloween so had a special that night, hence some oh the photos have burnt out cars etc. all part of the halloween experience, thing they had like zombis walking around and all that.
So despite this being time number 6 or something like that we as always had a great day. Charlie got pulled from the crowd this time by Donkey (you have to go to know), and was called Justin Bieber ha ha! Amy as usual went about 8 times on DinoSore! Di and Mary chickened out from any rollercoaster action, but Charlie mustered up enough courage to go on Revenge of the Mummy (well done Charlie - loved the picture your Mum got you ha ha!).
I've included a video this time too of one of the rides, just a short one, but good as it goes pretty fast and you hang with your feet dangling.
I love the little video clip of Amy too dancing to "I like to move it move it", or as she calls it "Madagascar". I did miss the real moves as couldn't get the camera from my pocket quick enough, but from this short clip I think you get the idea. I like this because she is doing that in front of 100's and spot the face when she sees that I am video'ing - bless you Amy.
I also love the photo of the kids on the police car, faking an arrest, very cute guys.
The one of the hanging skeleton with no shoe is for Amy, she loves this thing and always stops to look at it asking "where's his shoe Dad?"
This is also a great one of Charlie and Ollie pretending to be zombis next to one of those burnt out cars I mentioned, nice one boys!
This is Amy holding a fan, water squirter type thing. I got one for each of the kids. You turn a fan on and then squeeze a trigger to squirt water and blow it everywhere. So fun for the kids, but LIFE SAVER for parents as boy does it cool you down on what happened to be a bloody hot day.
I bet he doesn't like to get a ladder in his tights. In fact he probably needs a ladder to get inside them!

Do those happen to be new glasses Miss Amy Kennett???
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