Jude's first school party
So the little man is loving his half days at school, and today was his very first ever school party - themed with dancing in the jungle. So his big Sis, Mum and Dad tagged along too to Jude's first school party.
One crawl through box, a second crawl through box, and third crawl through... HOLD ON A MINUTE, who's that? They all look the same, maybe the last one has bigger teeth though ha ha. So yes as jungle theme Amy decided out comes the frog costume. It's relevant I suppose. Amy, who's party is this we're attending hmmmmmm..... |
"Check me out Dad. I can crawl through this easy peasy. I might even smile in a minute." |
In action now on the climbing area - like a mini assault course for two year olds. Reminds me back to The Krypton Factor. I think Jude would do very good on that program as he nailed this time and time again! |
And in the spirit of Melbourne, and AFL - Jude chooses the correct team outfit, yes Richmond Tigers. Good boy! Ha Ha OK OK in the spirit of the jungle theme all the kids got decked out in animal costumes to start the dancing and party games.
Jude said to me; "Dad, do you like my .........................................................................................outfit?" I said; "Yes buddy, but why the big pause?" Jude said; "Because I'm a tiger Dad..." |
Here's that flipping frog again. They get everywhere. Hopefully she doesn't wander too near No Signboard Restaurant, or she could end up battered, fried and served with some chilli sauce. |
So cute pumpkin! Having a ball. What fun it was.
Jude said to me; "Dad look I'm a TV remote!" I said; "What?" Jude said; "I just found pause." |
And Jude comes first in the sack race. Man that boy can jump jump jump. Winner. |
And the frog gets in there again. If a frog can't win this race, no one can. If her costume was knitted would that make her a wooly jumper? |
On to ice rocket racing now. Happy Happy faces - even from Mum of course. Whizzing little ice rockets down a sloping course. What fun again. |
Crafts time - making frog puppets now. Works of art I think these are. Not really sure though what Jude is looking at to make that face though. Did the frog fart? |
And the final snap of the morning. Everyone showing off their amazing hand-made frog puppets. Well done kids (and parents) such good work. Shame re the photo though and someone's photo bombing hand. Look he's even forgotten to put his hand puppet on - or is the puppet naked? |
So glad we all went - what a lovely Sunday Morning!!!
Thanks to
Pony Running.