So I get an email from Ian, a great mate from UK. Well positioning first, we used to kick lumps out of each other on the football pitch when we were "younger" (cough cough!). Then I started playing with Brownie, who knew Nina really well through his wife Ailsa (come on you know the story) who knew Sam from Pfizer days, who's the wife of Ian. So, I can't remember which, but at one of Brownie's parties in walks Ian and Sam and that's how the friendship started.
So I get an email from my great mate Ian in UK; "We're coming to Singapore, then Malaysia, then SIngapore, then Hong Kong. It's Sam's birthday mate and I'm crap at organising can you help?" "Of course mate says I?"
Sam by the way lived in Singapore when she was 8 or so, hence this trip back to make special 40th, was a trip back to a special home memory, home #2 for Sam. Off to Penang in Malaysia to remember trips with her family there as a kid when living in Singapore etc etc.
So likewise we're discussing "love Broadstairs, BUT, look behind you!" I think they really get why it's tough to consider a move home ever!
Ian and I then began a covert operation to plan the night, and bless them we ended up going to to celebrate with Sam. What a fantastic night showing, and we hope a wonderful 40th for Sam. Just lovely to see you both.
The night goes as follows;
1900 - Fullerton Bay Hotel, Lantern Rooftop Bar.
Sorry no photos - whoops. A beautiful roof top setting overlooking Marina Bay Sand hotel, Merlion, Esplanade etc. Twinkly lights, light and lazer show from Marina Bay. Uber cool joint for Sam and Ian to enjoy a bottle of bubbles (tip RESERVE a table overlooking Marina Bay - it gets busy!). Mary and I then got kids to bed early early and managed to get to the guys about 2015 ish, amazing accomplishment, and it was surprise and Happy Birthday and lot's of chatting and reminiscing.
2100 - Cliffords Restaurant, Fullerton Bay Hotel.
OK never been before but I have recommended this to another mate of mine here for his wedding anniversary. It has good reviews. Mind you we rock up a little later than 2100 as we've been gassing upstairs, and it is EMPTY, like EMPTY. But who cares, some wine, some beers, a nice table, a greater waiter who was chatty, funny and took the snaps below and organised the wee cake (check the writing in chocolate on the plate).
Sorry but to see the food we ate, and the explanations, yep, you'll have to go to food blog. But to summarise boy it was good. From the start - duck roulade with amazing French bread and butter, foie gras, amazing cured hams, lobster starters. Mary went barramundi, I went suckling pig, but dish of the day for me was what Sam and Ian both ordered - braised veal cheeks - OMG, you gotta try this one if you go. It actually does melt in your mouth, I am not joking. Brian STOP, you're giving too much away - please visit "is life a recipe" link on the right hand side here somewhere - he he!
So some lovely snaps of us having fun. It really is a nice restaurant, very high ceilings, restored colonial style. Beautiful! Great staff too, made it very enjoyable experience.

The happy couple enjoying themselves, although really not sure what Ian is doing??? Waiting for a kiss, he's seen his next beer coming, or he's passing wind ........?

Here is Sam's birthday cake, a tad small to get 40 candles on it, ahhhhhh OK let's just have the one then.

And here we go with some video. Naught man Ian, but very very funny parting comment! Classic! Turn up the volume!
2330 Altitude Bar
The next little treat, and something different for Sam and Ian, as this is still quite a new experience in Singapore.
What you are not seeing here is that is on the 68th floor, and is literally the roof top, there is NOTHING but sky above. So groovy chill out tunes playing, a beautiful breeze, few beers and literally the ability to walk 360 degrees around the roof top to see amazing night time views of Singapore.

You can't get the experience from the photos, well maybe from the faces, but check it out. Literally you are standing in the clouds, nothing above, no cages, railings, just a glass partition to stop the drunks falling off the edge I suppose!

Looking down on Marin Bay Sands Hotel, ha ha! Sorry private joke, but I hate that place. Get yourself to altitude, pay 25 bucks and get a free drink and have a view that 30 or so floor higher and better than Sands, and a 5th the price for the view.

0100, Last stop - Uncabunca, Boat Quay
So lot's of glitz and glam, let's have a night cap but at somewhere more "normal". So off to Boat Quay, well Circular Road to my mate Dave Wu's place - Uncabunca. Very nice, shame no Mr Wu there that night. But it's a bar-bar if you know what I mean. So a few more beers, mojitos for the girls and chat chat chat until about 3am and then home to bed.
I think we're still looking pretty damn fresh after what was a pretty long night!

So what can Mary and I say to Sam and I, but a massive thank you for allowing us to celebrate your 40th with you. It was such fun, and we hope good memories for you. Looking forward to Saturday.