She calls our name and we come running, We have lost the voice we listened to, And there's a stillness now the rains stopped falling, And there's a sadness like we never knew, But we still see the shining of things. We love and miss you desperately Ni.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Lood Daddy I can do the splits!!!
Sports Day
Where do we live
Speed Freaks!!!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
And some updates from the week/weekends - I'll break them up
Sunday, June 5, 2011
It really hits home

Friday, June 3, 2011
Annie Brennan
No idea where to begin on this one. It's taking me back three years or so to the Naochan experience, major flash-backs happening, and sadness reigns the day. I got a text message in the early hours from a very dear friend's mobile stating "sorry to trouble you, but Annie passed away last night, in her sleep, so restful". Shocked and surprised do not give enough emphasis to initial thoughts spinning through my head.
The first thing I thought to do was validate is this true, can this be true, has she really gone? So I send a one liner, "Is this Martin?" And so it goes on with a few exchanges of SMS and yes such such sad news news, Anne-Marie Brennan, Annie has left us. To be determined exactly how, but Martin said her windpipe just closed during the night, maybe caused by reaction to a spider bite.
Life is so cruel and not just because Annie (aged only 46), like Naochan, was one of life's special people, loved by all, the fun one in the room - but because Annie, also like Naochan, leaves some just beautiful children behind. The only difference being that Laura and Hannah are now all grown up and with families, but Morgan is still pre-teens. Morgan I have not yet had the fortune to meet, but she is a beautiful girl, like her Mum from what I have seen on Facebook recently.
To my mate Martin, Annie's husband, what can I say Martin. I could say I know what you're going through because of what happened with Naochan and continues to happen to this day, but I have NO idea what you're going through. That's personal. Martin we're here for you if you need us mate, and I will absolutely try to come over to say goodbye to the beautiful lady in a couple of weeks. Let your barriers down you don't have to be a "rock", cover yourself in the best cotton wool on the market - the girls, friends and family, and SHARE everything mate - the pain, the memories, the warmth, the love and sometimes the fun as you remember her.
I said to Martin you meet Annie for a week, even a day and you feel like you have know her a lifetime, and you immediately fall in love with her which again is for life. So even though she is gone, I am absolutely certain she is still in the hearts and fond memories of everyone that had the fortune of her touching their lives. Annie you are just gorgeous and even though I haven't seen you for an age, I will miss you so so much. Love you gorgeous girl.
Martin, Laura, Hannah, Morgan - I hope to see you all in UK, and if you need anything, even just a chat please let me know. All our love Bri, Amy and Ollie xxx