So here I am sitting in a VERY hot day in Singapore, beer in hand, new Mac Air lap-top on lap (literally), and in a state of PANIC. Today is the day for Ollie's play, I am nervous, pensive, apprehensive, scared, worried - you name it I am feeling it.
BUT I dop Ollie at 1400 ahead of first show at 1630 - and the kids are all just chilled, laughing, chatting, relaxed - they have yet again BLOWN ME AWAY. They are just amazing, like professionals, but they are 9-14 years old, you have to see it I suppose to appreciate it, but goodness me I was having kittens when it was announced that I had to do a best man speech. These kids are performing to 450 people over 3 shows, my goodness.
So I have to share this as I am speechless with these kids. Completely not fazed at all by this major event in their lives. Go kids! I truly am so very proud of you all. Bring on "A Few Good Kids", I really cannot wait to see the performance in a short while.
Now I cannot take photos/video so hopefully they will do a professional job and I can buy and then do my usual export around the Globe, hence this being, I think, my first blog with just text.
Also whilst on I mentioned above a new lap-top, which I LOVE. MAC AIR, GET ONE!!!!!!!!! So the reason I have purchased this is that a few people have mentioned they like reading what I write, plus I got inspired lately by a certain chef, Mr Anthony Bourdain, and hey presto I thought tell you what I am going to write. And write I shall. So the plan is a jumble of life stories, cooking, eating, travelling, kids and maybe even a few Brian Kennett recipes thrown in to boot. Let me know what you think? Good idea?????
Well hot now and if I am typing I can't drink my beer, ha ha, so back to that and with love to all I shall say goodbye. xxx