OK so it started as usual with Amy and her travel bag (thanks Kirsty and Lol), hmmm what should I wear for the flight - yeah right sweetheart a Princess outfit with wings. Well that'll be comfortable for the plane Amy-boo. Dear me. So anyways we get there, Amy develops an infection on her hand like a REALLY bad burn, so straight to Drs for her to get anti-biotics as it turned out to be an infection, and luckily now (9th Feb - has started to disappear). But oooh Amy, it looked so painful. When it blisteed and then scabbed up you'd start picking it (gross, I know I am sorry) and when I said hey Amy stop that, you said "But Daddy I'm working!" Ha Ha! From that point on we had to keep saying "Amy stop working!" and Yep, it worked!
So we rock up in Tagbilaran, where Mary went to Uni and lived quite a while, on the beautiful Filipino island of Bohol. We ended up staying there from 21st to 26th, then caught a ferry to another beautiful island (although a tad rough round the ferry terminal) of Cebu. Literally then spent 3 days in the hotel in the water park, you'll see why from the photos and videos I next post when I have time = just checks the kids faces to see if happy or not staying in the hotel only.
On the first day we were met my kids and Mary's Sis and all went to their house to drop stuff off, then to Dr, then to restaurant that Mary recommended and everything was REALLY yummy except SiSig which looked liked something from Casualty, dear me. Shame, but really lovely. Mary's Mum, kids, Sis all came along too which was ace.
Then on 22nd it was Mary's Mum's birthday, so in to a mini bus with bear and snacks as we were told we didn't need to bring food for some reason and then hey presto - CHECK OUT THAT PIG, no wonder! Yep a WHOLE BBQ's pig to slice into and eat (sorry for veggies out there, but OMG it was so delicious) - did you know pork tastes like human, he he! See the pool pictures, all from the same day, kids everywhere having an absolute BALL, as did we and what a beautiful view - the landscape shot!
We stayed at a lovely hotel, The Bohol Tropics, in the "no less" Presidential Suite to ensure we had room for us all in there. Very reasonable as you'll see from our Xmas Eve meal that started at 8pm and concluded circa 0100 on Xmas Day and we ate and drank like Kings and Queens and oh dear it cost me nearly 100 SGD, or 50 quid to my mates back home, yep boys for ALL of us. Beer here is 50p.
The jet ski snaps are photos of us with Mary, her kids and her sis and her daughter - just lazy days in and out the pool, up and down the slide, eat drink be merry and get sunburnt ha ha!
Then all of a sudden you should see photos of Mary with her sisters and Amy, then one of me wearing a figure hugging sleeping bag. Well this is actually Xmas Day and in the spirit of non-traditional Xmas Days following you all know what, we went to a sort of Outbound Sports Park thing. Ollie and I ended up doing face first zip wire across the canyon you'll see in the photos (twice) if you can zoom on one you'll see a single guy doing it to see how wide this thing was. Ollie you had a ball big man (cough and Daddy too), great fun mate, lot's of high fiving remember.
We then went on a VERY gentle little "cable car" ride, us plus Mary's sisters and check the photo of 4 VERY scared Filipino ladies ha ha! Didn't help with me and Ollie shaking it and telling to to look down. Nan you would have HATED it seriously, see through flooring, oh dear Nanny!
The from the canyon the photos turn to Cebu, where we stayed at an amazing hotel on Lapu Lapu, just out of the city on the coast. It has it's own water park, slides, lazy river, wave machine etc etc. We rented little cabanas dumped the gear and hey presto we were entertained from morning to night. Just wonderful for the kids and us, although Mary would not venture to a single slide, bah humbug Enoroba - he he! Loved the red stripey one as you hurtle down a straight slide and then hit bowl which is like going down a sink and finally you get spat from the plug hole, not exactly gracefully either - ha ha.
Some other fun was "Theme Night" on Cebu at the hotel. Basically it's an all you can eat all you can drink buffet with live entertainment - it's pirate night tonight sir. So along we all go, pay the money, look at the waiters in black shirts, eye patches etc. enjoyed the food and the cabaret - sort of African drumming, flame dancing, Hawaiin dancing, flame throwing stuff - pretty cool.
So great night for all, including Dad who I think may have made his quota to "fund " the necessary free flow cost, he he!
Then the following night, Dad books Korean, but Ollie wants to go to the Haiwaiin theme night. Now my family in UK, I had a slight f;ash back to Hi de Hi there for a second, hold on a minute what Punch and Judy in Cebu, Philippines. But hey we cancelled and went along with the wee man wishes and went to Hawaiin night. Mary, tell me if I am being dishonest here, but literally the ONLY change was the waiter shirt from black to floral. Rest was sameo sameo! So so so funny.
Made even more funny because I had booked table 18 pool side to get real good view of the dancing etc. We rocked up and hey presto someone sat in my seat. I clearly stated er guys I booked this this am so I could have a good view of my seat because last night etc etc. All of a sudden hands were clapping, people were running, tables and chairs were floating and wow we had THE Prime spot front and central pool side to watch the entire show. We were so close you could actually make out that the girls were wearing too much make up ha ha. The funny thing was that everyone around us, circa 100 people stopped watching the show and watched out table being erected from thin air in the prime spot, blocking a lot with great views already. You could hear the "so who the hell are they???" comments as we sat. I like it!
So in summary to my travelling partners in crime Mary, Amy and Ollie - what can I say. Thank you so much for an amazing holiday, and to Mary's family and friends again as always thanks for accepting us and allowing us to enjoy your time/parties/family - it was just lovely for me and the kids - thank you!
But just to finalise one on the last picture, my daughter and Mary's niece. Out flight to Sing from Tag was very very much delayed so we went back to the shopping centre to a food court and guess who found Karaoke, oh yes those two. So the microphones were on and they started. Security were called for 2, 2ish year olds. Dad stepped in with; "hold on fellas they're only 2, and I'm trying to find a song for them to sing". Hey presto Robbie Williams, Let me Entertain You caught my eye - and now if you don't mind leave this blog and go to Videos and watch the girls nail it.
As always much much love from me Bri to you all.