Yep OK I slipped up - I was supposed to actually explain each photo/video - so only way for me to now do that is refer this blog to the order of the photos themselves on previous blog - dear me. OK here we go;
Photo #1; Mum on a chairlift;
OK this is on Sentosa, a small man made island just off Singapore, the new location for Universal Studios and a bit of a playground and beach resort for Singapore. So whilst Ollie and I were riding the Luge (like a go-kart, down a steep hillside track), Mum took the easy/more gentle option of riding the chairlift down and up the hill for the views.
Photo #2 & #3; Ollie at his Chinese New Year school assembly - all in red as is the Chinese custom. Great assembly with lots of his school mates acting/singing/dancing on stage - great fun. The group shot is with hsi wonderful teacher Miss Atima (one sad announcement is that Ollie only has 4 more months with Miss Atima - very sad!!!!)
Photo #4; Merlion;
The emblem of Singapore is the Merlion - half lion and half fish and protector of Singapore. This is a huge mock-up of one that you get a lift within and stand in his mouth and on top of his head for great views all around.
Photo #5; Oliver all grown up?
Yes the wee man standing behind a mock up of a 2nd World War soldier loading the big guns. Big body small head Mr Kennett, ha ha!!!
Photo #6; Hotel
The big white building you can see is the Rasa Sentosa Resort Hotel, where Mum, Ollie, Amy, Mary and I stayed for 2 days one night towards the end of Mum's trip for a chill out and to stop me working so she could actually see me (sorry Mum). Great fun, relaxing, good food, swimming pools - lovely, just lovely!
Photo #7; View from Merlion's Head
This the new resorts place on Sentosa at which you can see the Universal Studios development, apparently opening next week - Ollie cannot wait, he really can't!!!!! (cough cough, neither can I of course!!!!
Photo #8 & #9; Atop Merlion's Head
Some lovely family shots from atop the big Merlion head that you saw the photo of earlier. Great views from up here. Look at the face of Amy - ha ha she loves heights Nan (didn't get that from you did she!!!!)
Photo #10; O's
Ollie in an O with an O in his hand = O, O, O bless him. Could I say poser Mr K???
Photo #11, #12, #13, #14 and #15; Botanic Gardens
Stunning shots in the botanic gardens of Singapore, beautiful. Lovely ones of Mum with the kids and one of a very cute squirrel munching on a banana flower upside down. Very cute!
The to close two videos of well dare I say any more - I like to dance says Amy and I love time with my big brother in the swimming pool, especially going down the slides - brave little thing Amy (yes I could not video the ones of you coming down the slide alone as I was at the bottom ready to catch you), very brave and very funny!!!!